An easy way to remove acne permanently
Apple cider vinegar recipe:
Apple cider vinegar contains light acids that control oil production from the skin, and it also contains anti-microbial properties that help protect the skin from bacteria, so apple cider vinegar helps get rid of acne.
The method is:
A quantity of apple cider vinegar. Amount of water (equal to the amount of apple cider vinegar). A ball of cotton.
How to prepare:
Bring a bowl, and mix the ingredients well.
A cotton ball is dipped in the solution and applied to the affected area.
Leave the solution on the affected area for 5-7 minutes.
Rinse the skin with cold water.
Repeat the recipe daily.
The recipe is suitable for all skin types. A 3: 1 ratio (apple cider vinegar: water) is recommended for sensitive skin
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